Energy and infrastructure

Fuels for ships will change in the years to come. There are possibilities in wind, solar, hydrogen, ammonia and more. New fuels will demand new ways of producing, storing and distributing.

Green fuels like biofuels, hydrogen, or ammonia offer the potential for deep decarbonisation while ensuring the energy density required for long-distance shipping. Investing in the production of these fuels expedites their availability and adoption, expediting the industry’s transition towards a sustainable future.

Establishing the infrastructure for these fuels’ storage, distribution, and bunkering lays a solid foundation for future growth, enabling vessels to transition to cleaner energy sources seamlessly.

Investing in green fuel production facilities also drives technological innovation and job creation. The development of these facilities necessitates cutting-edge technologies and expertise, spurring research and development efforts. Such investment leads to advancements in fuel production processes, storage, and distribution systems, ultimately fostering the growth of a green fuel industry ecosystem.

By embracing sustainable practices today, the maritime industry can chart a course towards a greener and more prosperous future. It is a smart investment that paves the way for a sustainable and resilient maritime sector, ensuring a brighter and cleaner tomorrow.


North Ammonia

Together with our partner, Arendals Fossekompani, we established North Ammonia in 2021 to enable the green shift in the maritime sector. They originate and develop projects to produce green hydrogen and green ammonia and make these next-gen fuels available where needed.

Thun Eos arriving at the port area.

Slagen Energy Hub

The Slagen Energy Hub is planning to support the maritime industry’s journey towards decarbonising its operations, and is aiming to provide both green hydrogen and green ammonia to maritime and industrial customers from 2027 – based on its strategic location at the inlet of the Oslo fjord.

A prototype of a boat that is powered by Green Ammonia for Grieg Edge.

MS Green Ammonia

Popular Science Magazine named the design for an ammonia-fuelled ammonia tanker among the «Best of what’s new» in 2021. Based on the thoughts born in the ZEEDS initiative, we have further developed what will be our Ammonie Distribution Vessels.